A lavish penthouse, located in one of Hyderabad's sprawling neighbourhoods, is inspired by the movie "A Single Man," by Tom Ford. The luxury pad showcases Lutron lighting controls, combining motorised shading and a host of other home automation features, all of which have been brought to life by Anusha Technovision Private Limited.
Reinforcing the luxurious experience, here is the technological prowess made possible by Lutron's automation scheme, operated via an iPad. The two-bedroom 6000 square foot home comprises a private deck and pool, open kitchen, living and dining, and a library.
The automation systems seamlessly integrate with the architecture of the home, also known as "Den", elevating the aesthetic and functional value to a whole new level.
Banks of switches and unappealing switchboards are replaced by a sleek and smart Palladiom keypad that makes lighting regulation convenient for the user. Besides, all lighting fixtures in the residence can be easily adjusted to the desired lux levels. Hence, ambient lighting conditions in the entire home are regulated by the click of a button. Sivoia QS Drapery track that regulate daylight ingress can be operated at will, their smooth movement accentuates the look and feel of the interiors. Operation of air-conditioners and HVAC devices too fall under the control of elegant User Interface designed for iPad/iPhone by ATPL.